autograph signing - winnie

autograph signing - regine

在发烧听觉要求为大前提的概念下,我国音响达人Leslie Loh、音乐人周金亮联手制作了大马第一张两把女生和一把吉他,融合流行和发烧元素的发烧天碟----《2V1G》。
2V--Two Voices何芸妮和戴丽津真情流露、干净剔透的歌声;1G--One Guitar我国爵士吉他第一人Roger Wang深情浓郁、挥洒自如的吉他演绎,加上严谨的制作,为了要达到最理想的听觉效果,制作队伍更特邀香港公认发烧天碟制作第一人Keith Yip负责母带后期处理,而为了酬谢《2V1G》的支持者,首批限量3,000张CD全在香港生产,空运返马,于是,这一张充满诚意的专辑终于诞生了。
《2V1G》最珍贵的,就是在于两把女声与吉他一起同步录音的过程中所激发出来的火花。何芸妮在声音的收放中,显示了她对选曲游刃有余的操控,那是大将气度;戴丽津对歌曲感情的拿捏,让人看到了歌者在处理一首歌曲的最重要的武器,那就是感情;而当吉他来到Roger Wang的手中,它已经变成了音乐。
何芸妮、戴丽津和Roger Wang,在每一首歌曲录制的过程中都毫无保留的为每一首歌曲注入了自身的感受和触觉,那些突发的感情,也为每一首歌曲增添了该有的厚度。
这是一张香港入口CD. 每张CD的价格是RM39。90。西马的订购者,请另加poslaju邮费RM4。
东马的订购者,请加RM7 poslaju邮费。
付款的方式是通过maybank2u 或 paypal 。请发电邮
lesloh@yahoo.com 和请记得写上你的地址!maybank 户口是 :
LOH HIP PING 114208794020如用 paypal 请付给电邮
lesloh@yahoo.com. 请付美元 (paypal only!).
[1]西马的订购购者,请付美元USD14。30 (已经加USD0.80服务费)
[2]东马的订购购者,请付美元USD14。90 (已经加USD0.80服务费)
请记得写上你的地址!如有疑问,请拨电话 +6012-2083790 (leslie).
we accept internet orders for the album. to date, we have sold more than
3,000 copies of the album! this is some kind of achievement considering the global downtrend for cd sales.
2v1G CDs are also being sold in major record shops nationwide. we have sold out our limited edition first pressing. what is available now is the 2nd pressing.
this is an imported cd pressed in hong kong. the price for the CD is RM39.90. if you are in west malaysia, please add additional poslaju shipping charges of RM4. if you are in east malaysia, please add additional poslaju shipping charges of RM7. please note that these are subsidized rates - normal poslaju rates start from RM6 to west malaysia and RM9 to east malaysia.
payment can be made via maybank2u or paypal.
for maybank2u, please deposit into account:
LOH HIP PING 114208794020 if you pay via maybank2u, please remember to fill in the email address
lesloh@yahoo.com so that a confirmation email will be sent to us. write a separate email to
lesloh@yahoo.com to provide your address.
for paypal, please pay to
lesloh@yahoo.comfor payment via paypal, you will have to pay in US dollars:
1) for west malaysian buyers - USD14.30 (paypal fee of USD0.80 already included)
2) for east malaysian buyers - USD14.90 (paypal fee of USD0.80 already included)
3) for buyers from other countries - please email us separately. our email is
lesloh@yahoo.complease remember to provide your shipping address!if you have queries, please call leslie at +60122083790.
thanks for supporting 2V1G!