Aug 29, 2008

香港来的喜讯! [great news from hong kong!]

Hello Leslie,

Just informed by the lady who takes care of the promotion of my products that 2V1G's 新不了情 has been selected by Radio Televsion Hong Kong, the government radio station, as Pick of the Week for 2 weeks starting from Sept. 3. Every week about 30 to 40 new songs fight for a slot in the Pick of the Week and only a few songs will be selected. You probably cannot imagine how difficult to get a song to be selected as Pick of the Week if you have never worked in the music industry here before. This will guarantee quite frequent air play for the song in the forthcoming 2 weeks. Though it might not guarantee better sales as too many people are downloading songs instead of buying CD. Anyway, it would help to bring 2V1G to the attention of people who are not audiophiles.

I am very glad about this and I hope you are happy about it too.

Keith Yip
Rock In Music

Aug 28, 2008

忙! [busy!]

everyone in 2v1g is very busy, with the forthcoming buddhist musical rehearsals going full steam and the forthcoming gig in no black tie on october 7th and 8th.

just to let you in on our repertoire for our first gig - we will be singing 6 songs from the album with the rest being all "new" songs. some of them include:

被遗忘的时光 (蔡琴) - this will be arranged in bossa!
always on my mind (michael buble's version)
我和春天有个约会 (刘雅丽)
无情的雨,无情的你 (齐秦)
getaran jiwa (p.ramlee)
so you see, there is variety to please all and sundry! regine will also be singing one of her compostions which became a hit for gigi leung.

additionally, the two "V"sl be taking some vocals lessons with mia palencia, our local jazz queen. well, our singers never stop learning because they believe they can learn a lot from mia.

we will be announcing the ticketing/reservation info soon in this blog. watch this space!

Aug 19, 2008

Aug 12, 2008

Aug 8, 2008

超级麦克风 [the super duper mic]

what a stylo pose ;-)

this is the famed AKG c12VR mic that gives us the beautiful sound you hear in the cd.

thanks to winnie who passed me this photo almost one year after it was shot!

on that day, the team had so much fun doing the shooting. the theme for the cover was "music in motion" and the 2v1g trio needed to make all sort of (funny, clumsy) movements.

looking back, the journey was filled with bittersweet memories.

we are now looking forward to the making of the 2nd album with much more confidence.

Aug 6, 2008

喜相逢 [2v1g meets double take]

easy - what's the common denominator between 2v1g and double take?

the first one to give correct answer will get a free giant poster of 2v1g, to be given away during the NBT gig on 7th and 8th of october!

Aug 5, 2008

嘛嘛音乐会 [let's go mamak!]

一班热爱音乐的年轻人,集合在一起,将他们擅长的爵士乐,结合传统的华,巫,印乐器,造就了一个感染力十足的音乐会'Let's Go Mamak'。当传统乐器遇见西洋乐器,爵士的调调,我们听见了一群来自马来西亚,土生土长,万份热爱爵士乐的年轻音乐人,挥洒着革命声音。他们拒绝只是弹奏属于别人的音乐文化,他们坚持我们马来西亚人也有属于我们的音乐文化,于是,他们开始了这么一个大胆的尝试。


因为有他们的坚持,音乐不死。Thank you guys!!

[winnie ho]

LET'S GO MAMAK! aims to serve you up a slice of that Malaysiana through music!

Composers - Ken Hor
Music director & saxophone Julian Chan
Violin Fung Chern Hwei
Trumpet Eddie Wen
Piano Tay Cher Siang
Drum Martin Ngim
Bass Daniel Foong
Tabla Prakash Kandasamy
Malay Drums Kambulbahri Hussin
Chinese drums Jimmy Ch'ng & Chew Soon Heng
Cak Lempong Shamsul Zin
Bamboo Flute Sesatre Krishnan
Gu Zheng Lim Hui Chieh

网上订购 [online purchase]

autograph signing - winnie

autograph signing - regine


在发烧听觉要求为大前提的概念下,我国音响达人Leslie Loh、音乐人周金亮联手制作了大马第一张两把女生和一把吉他,融合流行和发烧元素的发烧天碟----《2V1G》。

2V--Two Voices何芸妮和戴丽津真情流露、干净剔透的歌声;1G--One Guitar我国爵士吉他第一人Roger Wang深情浓郁、挥洒自如的吉他演绎,加上严谨的制作,为了要达到最理想的听觉效果,制作队伍更特邀香港公认发烧天碟制作第一人Keith Yip负责母带后期处理,而为了酬谢《2V1G》的支持者,首批限量3,000张CD全在香港生产,空运返马,于是,这一张充满诚意的专辑终于诞生了。

《2V1G》最珍贵的,就是在于两把女声与吉他一起同步录音的过程中所激发出来的火花。何芸妮在声音的收放中,显示了她对选曲游刃有余的操控,那是大将气度;戴丽津对歌曲感情的拿捏,让人看到了歌者在处理一首歌曲的最重要的武器,那就是感情;而当吉他来到Roger Wang的手中,它已经变成了音乐。

何芸妮、戴丽津和Roger Wang,在每一首歌曲录制的过程中都毫无保留的为每一首歌曲注入了自身的感受和触觉,那些突发的感情,也为每一首歌曲增添了该有的厚度。




这是一张香港入口CD. 每张CD的价格是RM39。90。西马的订购者,请另加poslaju邮费RM4。 
东马的订购者,请加RM7 poslaju邮费。

付款的方式是通过maybank2u 或 paypal 。请发电邮 和请记得写上你的地址!

maybank 户口是 : LOH HIP PING 114208794020

如用 paypal 请付给电邮 请付美元 (paypal only!).

[1]西马的订购购者,请付美元USD14。30 (已经加USD0.80服务费)
[2]东马的订购购者,请付美元USD14。90 (已经加USD0.80服务费)


如有疑问,请拨电话 +6012-2083790 (leslie).


we accept internet orders for the album. to date, we have sold more than 3,000 copies of the album! this is some kind of achievement considering the global downtrend for cd sales.

2v1G CDs are also being sold in major record shops nationwide. we have sold out our limited edition first pressing. what is available now is the 2nd pressing.

this is an imported cd pressed in hong kong. the price for the CD is RM39.90. if you are in west malaysia, please add additional poslaju shipping charges of RM4. if you are in east malaysia, please add additional poslaju shipping charges of RM7. please note that these are subsidized rates - normal poslaju rates start from RM6 to west malaysia and RM9 to east malaysia.

payment can be made via maybank2u or paypal.

for maybank2u, please deposit into account: LOH HIP PING 114208794020

if you pay via maybank2u, please remember to fill in the email address so that a confirmation email will be sent to us. write a separate email to to provide your address.

for paypal, please pay to

for payment via paypal, you will have to pay in US dollars:

1) for west malaysian buyers - USD14.30 (paypal fee of USD0.80 already included)
2) for east malaysian buyers - USD14.90 (paypal fee of USD0.80 already included)
3) for buyers from other countries - please email us separately. our email is

please remember to provide your shipping address!

if you have queries, please call leslie at +60122083790.

thanks for supporting 2V1G!

Aug 3, 2008

关于 2V1G [about 2V1G]



2V1G的概念源自监制Leslie Loh和制作人周金亮,这一张专辑以捕抓纯音为大前提,通过两把优质女声(何芸妮和戴丽津)加上一只木吉他(Roger Wang),选唱了十二首家喻户晓传唱不衰的华语情歌,她们的歌声绝对可以让你听后回肠荡气,木吉他的演奏肯定会令你惊艳、兴叹。


大马第一张跨越流行和发烧碟双层领域的专辑,全程以经典AKG C12VR真空管麦克风录制,力求达到发烧碟之规格,同时也不失流行亲和的温度,再加上香港发烧碟天后Susan Wong录音师Keith Yip母代后期处理,CD最后制成品在香港压印空运回马,这样的一张专辑,你可以错过吗?

2V1G is the brainchild of producer Leslie Loh and Chow Kam Leong. They wanted a simple yet heartfelt approach to classic Mandarin love songs. To start with, they needed two beautiful female voices that can complement each other, at the same time, provide enough contrast to differentiate from each other. And they needed a supremo guitarist who can weave some magic into the solo guitar and arrangement. Winnie Ho, Regine Tai and Roger Wang were selected based on those criteria. Simply put, 2V1G aspires to be an unique acoustic trio that makes music that touches people's hearts.

For the debut album, the two producers decided to select some of the most memorable love songs for the last 2 decades and give them an acoustic treatment. These are not only classics in their own rights but eternal love songs that strike a chord in most discerning music lovers' hearts.

Whereas Winnie impresses us with her excellent vocal techniques and gorgeous tone, Regine scores with her emotive, straight-from-the-heart and nasal voice - neither voice outshines each other; they only serve to complement each other in a very harmonious way. And Roger's guitar, what more can we say, is heartbreakingly beautiful. Some of his guitar solos (like the one in 心動 Tempting Hearts), with its beautiful chording, can make us weak and bring tears to our eyes.

This album has taken us close to one year to produce. There's much sweat and tears along the journey. We also had so much fun making the album. We are proud of the fact that we can make such sincere album against the tide of today's dwindling music industry.

We hope that you support us and enjoy the music too!

Aug 2, 2008

apologies: cannot upload photos

sorry, we have been trying very hard to upload photos to this blog. blogger has gone bonkers! it doesn't help that streamyx is extremely lousy as well for the past weeks.

how we wish we live in korea or japan where broadband is lightning fast.

stay tuned. we have many posts to update!