Aug 3, 2008

关于 2V1G [about 2V1G]



2V1G的概念源自监制Leslie Loh和制作人周金亮,这一张专辑以捕抓纯音为大前提,通过两把优质女声(何芸妮和戴丽津)加上一只木吉他(Roger Wang),选唱了十二首家喻户晓传唱不衰的华语情歌,她们的歌声绝对可以让你听后回肠荡气,木吉他的演奏肯定会令你惊艳、兴叹。


大马第一张跨越流行和发烧碟双层领域的专辑,全程以经典AKG C12VR真空管麦克风录制,力求达到发烧碟之规格,同时也不失流行亲和的温度,再加上香港发烧碟天后Susan Wong录音师Keith Yip母代后期处理,CD最后制成品在香港压印空运回马,这样的一张专辑,你可以错过吗?

2V1G is the brainchild of producer Leslie Loh and Chow Kam Leong. They wanted a simple yet heartfelt approach to classic Mandarin love songs. To start with, they needed two beautiful female voices that can complement each other, at the same time, provide enough contrast to differentiate from each other. And they needed a supremo guitarist who can weave some magic into the solo guitar and arrangement. Winnie Ho, Regine Tai and Roger Wang were selected based on those criteria. Simply put, 2V1G aspires to be an unique acoustic trio that makes music that touches people's hearts.

For the debut album, the two producers decided to select some of the most memorable love songs for the last 2 decades and give them an acoustic treatment. These are not only classics in their own rights but eternal love songs that strike a chord in most discerning music lovers' hearts.

Whereas Winnie impresses us with her excellent vocal techniques and gorgeous tone, Regine scores with her emotive, straight-from-the-heart and nasal voice - neither voice outshines each other; they only serve to complement each other in a very harmonious way. And Roger's guitar, what more can we say, is heartbreakingly beautiful. Some of his guitar solos (like the one in 心動 Tempting Hearts), with its beautiful chording, can make us weak and bring tears to our eyes.

This album has taken us close to one year to produce. There's much sweat and tears along the journey. We also had so much fun making the album. We are proud of the fact that we can make such sincere album against the tide of today's dwindling music industry.

We hope that you support us and enjoy the music too!


  1. Roger,Winnie和Regine好,






    1. 新不了情太棒了,Roger的Bossa Nova編曲編得恰到好處,琴聲挑動著心中每一分的情感,既沒有濫用的感覺,也不落於俗套。Regine甜美的音色和Winnie成熟的唱腔互相交織,帶出了絕美的意境,真的讓人回味無窮。

    2. 由於以軟體進行簡繁體互換易有錯誤,在歌詞的文字校對這方面尚有改善的空間,但瑕絕不掩瑜,這只是我個人的一個小建議,請勿介意。

    3. 在此也希望向唱片業者以及音樂人抒發小民的心聲。唱片業如今前景低迷,實不應完全歸咎於翻版。如果每張唱片,每一首歌都能夠用心和誠意製作,為其注入靈魂和値得典藏的價值,相信社會上願意收藏高質音樂的消費者,是絕對不在少數的。願與各位共勉之。

  2. hi patrick

    what great feedback!

    we have posted your feedback on our latest post!


  3. Hi 2V1G,

    Your songs are very nice... I heard some of your songs through Singapore FM radio. Very unique, very calm and very comfortable...

    Jia you jia you...


  4. Hi 2V1G,

    Great work!

    As a so-called Audiophile seeker myself this is really good! Frankly, i have hardly purchased any Malaysia produce recordings. Mostly, imported CDs due to the "quality" issues. But this time you guys broken my long hardcore behavior.

    Wondering why i tried out this CDs out of thousands. Faith maybe...

    Good Job! Do keep it up!

    i will surely introduced to all my audiophile buddies


    p/s: Roger, do send my regards to your Dad. Not seeing him for long time.

  5. thanks, chin!

    we promise the next album would bring even more surprises!
