Sep 30, 2008

谢谢你, patrick [thank you, patrick]




一 聽之下,我都忘了當初是為了什麼走進店裡的了,傾聽著Winnie投入演繹著當年曾經讓我迷了順子好久的回家,Roger那手輕快但充滿了抑揚頓挫的吉 他,還有Regine那甜入人心,繞樑不絕的歌聲演繹情雪;入耳,不,入心的已經不再是音樂,而是三位在演繹每首歌時所注入的那一份深情,那一份心意。當 天離開CD店的時候,除了手中的CD之外,心中還洋溢著適才試聽時被牽動了的那一份喜悅。

在翻版及過度商業化的音樂充斥市面的今天,真的 非常高興還能見到仍然有像三位對音樂如此有熱忱的人,用心和誠意打造出了這一張動人心弦,値得擁有的專輯。也謝謝所有幕後的工作人員:大家對於力臻完美的 努力和要求,我這位市井小民都聽到了。希望2V1G能夠在不久的將來,再與我們分享更多好聽的音樂。


1. 新不了情太棒了,Roger的Bossa Nova編曲編得恰到好處,琴聲挑動著心中每一分的情感,既沒有濫用的感覺,也不落於俗套。Regine甜美的音色和Winnie成熟的唱腔互相交織,帶出了絕美的意境,真的讓人回味無窮。

2. 由於以軟體進行簡繁體互換易有錯誤,在歌詞的文字校對這方面尚有改善的空間,但瑕絕不掩瑜,這只是我個人的一個小建議,請勿介意。

3. 在此也希望向唱片業者以及音樂人抒發小民的心聲。唱片業如今前景低迷,實不應完全歸咎於翻版。如果每張唱片,每一首歌都能夠用心和誠意製作,為其注入靈魂和値得典藏的價值,相信社會上願意收藏高質音樂的消費者,是絕對不在少數的。願與各位共勉之。

patrick, you made our day! thanks for such brilliant comments. we are so happy because we have an appreciative fan like you!

我们都给你正面的评语感动了。 是的,2v1g 会做更多更好的音乐! 

Sep 26, 2008

Sep 19, 2008

音乐会即将来临! [calling all 2v1g fans!]


为了回馈支持《2V1G》的朋友们,戴丽津,何芸妮和Roger Wang 将以最真情流露的歌声及深情浓郁的吉他演绎,带给大家一场最感动的音乐会。这场音乐会将分别在10 月7日及8日晚上9.30于Jln Mesui 的No Black Tie 登场。

《2V1G》首次登上吉隆坡首屈一指的爵士酒廊/餐厅/俱乐部,No Black Tie,为大家带来最完美的两个小时的演出。因此,监制Leslie Loh 及制作人周金亮决定送两只AKG ‘Elle C’ 麦克风给两位女歌手以示鼓励。

想要到场感受《2V1G》的魅力,可以联络No Black Tie:03-21423737,或是012-2083790 Leslie Loh,入场费为30令吉。

They came and they brought a breath of fresh air to conventional Mandarin pop music. Their debut album has earned them endless praises and accolades since its launch 3 months ago.

And now they are going to prove to their fans that they can sing live just as well.

Performing in their first ever gig together, Roger Wang, Regine Tai and Winnie Ho of 2V1G are going to enthrall audiences with a new set of repertoire - Mandarin, English and even Malay numbers - in No Black Tie (NBT) come 7th and 8th of October 2008!

No Black Tie (03-21423737) is the premier jazz club in downtown KL, located at Jalan Mesui, near to Istana Hotel.

Seats are limited by the small capacity of No Black Tie. Admission is RM30.

Please block your calendar now and reserve your seat through yours truly at 012-2083790.

See you at the gig!

Sep 9, 2008

女歌手的礼物 [the gift for female vocalist]

AKG "Elle C" microphone
* Condenser vocal microphone for female vocalists
* Slender and elegant silhouette
* XLR connector module with 24-carat gold plated pins for optimized connectivity
* 24-carat gold plated transducer case for optimum conductivity and resistance to corrosion and humidity
* Spring steel wire-mesh grill for extreme ruggedness incl. reliable control of pops and wind noise
* Internal elastic suspension

Every musician knows about the very special nature of the female voice. Building on decades of experience in making microphones, AKG has designed a professional vocal microphone with a condenser transducer perfectly tailored to the female voice. The result is called the "Elle C" and delivers an extremely accurate, detailed, and natural sound.

In addition to its superb audio performance, the Elle C also matches the highest aesthetic expectations of performing female vocalists. Its slender, elegant silhouette and special finish in either high-gloss metallic or white pearlescent paint adds an exciting visual dimension to every performance.

budget permitting, we are thinking of buying 2 units of these gorgeous looking microphones for our two "V"s for our forthcoming gig!